Can i use something like that:
{% block javascripts %}
{# condition if debugbar plugin is on, put jquery in a head section, otherwise - bottom #}
{% do assets.addJs('jquery', { 'priority':'101' }) %}
{% endblock %}
{{ assets.js() }}
Can i use some kind of conditions to put system jQuery at top or bottom depending on Debugbar plugin status on/off?
In case if someone else needs this:
{# if debugger is enabled, load jquery to head, if not - to bottom #}
{% if system.debugger.enabled %}
{% do assets.addJs('jquery', { 'priority':'101' }) %}
{% else %}
{% do assets.addJs('jquery', { 'priority':'101', 'group':'bottom' }) %}
{% endif %}
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use pipeline option can be necessary for some themes (like QUARK)
{% do assets.addJs('jquery', {'priority': 101, 'pipeline':false, group:'bottom'}) %}
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