Does Grav use standard markdown or markdown extra? Some of the standard markdown tags don’t seem to work properly. Is it OK to use markdown in Grav itself or should I use an external editor?
Does Grav use standard markdown or markdown extra? Some of the standard markdown tags don’t seem to work properly. Is it OK to use markdown in Grav itself or should I use an external editor?
What exactly does not behave as you exspect, which tags do not work?
Thanks for responding to my query. I’ve decided to use a markdown editor. I’ll see how I get on with that since I’m new to markdown editing. Once again thanks for you help.
On John Gruber’s website, you can always look up the Markdown syntax, as you might already know.
Nowadays, there are many Markdown editors available for the desktop. I use Caret very often, it is available for Mac, Windows and Linux. I also love Abricotine, which is free and also available for M/W/L.
I like Atom. It’s open source, cross-platform and has many plugins. I use the ‘Markdown Preview Plus’ plugin for live preview of my text. It’s pretty handy.