Hello, I am new in GRAV and I have some questions.
- Is somewhere some advanced grav tutorial or explanation?
- I want to use GRAV for my page - I want to create system where would be some… for ex. elements and users can create and delete this elements and other non creator users can view this elements. I want to save element to files. How? I trying to understand how for example works user saving to account directory but it is almost impossible. All working somewhere in background. Ok, but where I can see what and how can I use all built-in functionality, for ex. for saving to specified files?
If I should create custom plugin, it is very complex and nowhere is tutorial for use all functions and parameters for creating tailored plugin. - User management - this works someway but probably only developers know how. I want advanced user management in admin page where I see all custom parameters of user accounts. I researched in login and admin plugin but nowhere is defined colums with user parameters. I thing I must edit system things?
- Profile page - I created my own user profile managemet page for users, but why it not loads existing parameters to fields? If I use built-in profile page by “mysite”/user_profile, all parameters are correctly loaded to fields. Where is the difference between custom and built-in user_profile page?
Can someone help? It is almost impossible to study over entire GRAV souces and without proper description of things it makes GRAV unusable even for a little more complex projects.