Hi there,
just wanted to tryout grav on my own pc (maui linux) - but cant get it to work.
I just
- downloaded grav
- extracted + moved the folder to /var/www/html/grav
- changed owner rights - sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/
- installed apache2 php php-zip php-curl php-gd php-curl php-xml and some others
- opened localhost in a browser and opened the /grav folder
Then the installation dialogue with the green check marks appears - an one red x telling:
PHP Zip extension is not installed
Well - it is. And all solutions i could find having the same problems are solved by installing the package php-zip or php7.0-zip or ask my hoster (which doesnt work with a local install )
I tried both, un- and reinstalled both - restarted but still no success.
The only thread in this forum with this problem i could found is archived and no solution is described.
Would be great if you could help me out or have tips/clues how to get it running
btw - discourse forbids to have similar titles - the mentioned thread in the archive has also “PHP Zip extension is not installed” - doesnt make much sense to me to forbid similar titles - but thats another topic and just my 2 cents.