Permissions Issue After Update


I have just updated to the latest version of GRAV but received some errors (see attachments).


Brian U.

Screen Shot 2015-12-11 at 6

Screen Shot 2015-12-11 at 6

Which version of Grav? I know you have upgraded several times before, did you use the same method?

same issue with Deliver in two pages
(“mkdir(): Permission denied”) in “modular/portfolio.html.twig"
(“mkdir(): Permission denied”) in “partials/blog_item.html.twig”

I’m having the same trouble with /images … grav clear-cache can’t access it due to perms. Seems grav can’t write images in there either, all my image html output are broken links.

Ack, this was a very simple bug with pretty large consequences. Basically YAML doesn’t handle octal numbers very well, so I had to force the permissions to be in string format, then convert them to octal. This has been addressed in Grav 1.0.4.

Clearing cache should be enough, but if your permissions are such that your user doesn’t have access, you might have to manually delete the images folders that have the bad permissions, or the whole image/ folder and recreate it.

Thanks rhukster
Problem solved after update and deleting images folder.

I will try this and get back to you … Thx!