Page Header Dot

Hello everyone!

I’m having a strange issue using my own theme with grav. I’m pretty new to this CMS so sorry, if my question is simple, but I’m really stuck with this!

In my page header, next to my logo, there is a dot. And I really don’t know how to get it out of there (or even how it got in there. It was not from the beginning).

Maybe someone can help me here?
I think the issue is not occuring in my navigation.html.twig or base.html.twig because I tried to fix it there but nothing worked.

Thank you for your support!

Hi and welcome!

Do you know HTML? Can you post the HTML source code for your page and “dot”, since that would be a lot more helpful in diagnosing your issue. Perhaps also the Twig that generate that bit of HTML too.


Sorry for the deleted post, i was posting the wrong code in there.

Thats my Twig for the header:

{% block header %}
    <div class="header">
        <div class="wrapper padding">
            <a class="logo left" href="home"><img src="{{ url('user/images/logo_tuc.png') }}"></img>
            {% block header_navigation %}
            {% if not module.header.hidemenu %}
                {% set current_module = ( or module.activeChild) ? 'active' : '' %}
                <li class="{{ current_module }}"><a href="#{{ _self.pageLinkName( }}">{{ }}</a></li>
            {% endif %}
            <nav class="main-nav">
                {% include 'partials/navigation.html.twig' %}
            {% endblock %}
{% endblock %}

and thats my HTML:

<div class="header">
    <div class="wrapper padding">
        <a class="logo left" href="home"><img src="/grav-admin/user/images/logo_tuc.png"></img>
            <li class=""><a href="#"></a></li>
   <nav class="main-nav">     
            <li class="selected">
            <a href="/grav-admin/de">Home</a>
            <li class="">
            <a href="/grav-admin/de/register">Registrieren</a>
            <li class="">
            <a href="/grav-admin/de/login">Login</a>

I could imagine it’s because of the <li class=""><a href="#"></a></li>in my HTML, but I dont know how to get it out of there using my twig. :thinking:
Thank you in advance,

I deleted this line, and now I’m free of the dot!
Thanks for your proposal to check the HTML Code, that really did it for me!


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