Non english characters in modular page title and in_page_navigation from Bones

First time using Grav here, and I’m a little stuck. I have made a site using Bones-theme and I have made a modular page with in-page-navigation-submenu. Problem is that my modular pages have non english chars in the titles, and in-page-navigation is using underscorize/Inflector to turn special characters into underscores:

<li><a href="#{{ module.header.title|underscorize }}">{{ module.header.title }}</a></li>
/prod/#sømething becomes /prod/#s_mething. ) and that breaks navigation and If I remove underscorize I run into problems with caps and spaces. 

Anything I can do to fix this?

Whilst æøå are accepted characters in modern browsers, from an accessibility-perspective you are fighting a couple of small windmills. Namely, virtually no residents outside of Norway actually use these characters, so #sømething or #sølevann could become unusable anchors for anyone else whose browsers enforce a different encoding or language. Thus, the easy solution would be to anglicize them: #soemething/#something or #soelevann/#solevann.

The more encompassing solution would be to first check the encoding of the site. Is it utf-8 or ISO-8859-1? For the former, we would expect this at the start of :

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />

For the latter:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" />

That is, the encoding must match the content. ÆØÅ exists in UTF-8 (see SO, but normally if you write content with these charac ters - say, in Notepad++ or similar - the file is automatically saved with a more compatible encoding. Commonly, north-west-European character-encoding is set to ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-15, or Windows-1252.