Multiple Collections and Taxonomy Filtering

The section on multiple collections shows that we can create a collection that has both blog and featured category items like so:

        @taxonomy.category: blog
        @taxonomy.category: featured

Url filters such as /tag:urban only seem to pick up items from the first taxonomy but not the second. Is this intended behavior or am I setting something up wrong? Thanks!

For the same taxonomy you should use:

        @taxonomy.category: [blog, featured]

I want the collection to have items with the category blog or featured. If I have them on the same line, it only matches items with blog and featured.

I see what your saying, and I think it would work as expected if you had two different taxonomy types, but with two the same you basically have defined a YAML with 2 items in the array with the same key, so one is getting replaced.

Try this:

        @taxonomy: {category: blog}
        @taxonomy.category: featured

it’s sort of a hack, but basically it’s two ways to write the same thing, and should maintain both as the keys are unique

Thanks for the assistance. I verified that the collection itself is being created with only the first item, but your way allows for two items. Is there a 3rd way? I tried a variety of methods with brackets, but at this point it seems like it’s going to be easier to create a custom taxonomy and just have a keyword I put in those items. It’s not semantically what I want, but it will get the job done. I’ll go ahead and add this to the issues list since I think it at least warrants more discussion over there.