Hi there!
I’m facing strange problem.
I had a working website with modular overriden templates.
As a next step I decided to rebuild it with a Gantry 5
Well, the home page does work, but strange thing happen with other pages.
For instance, I have a Main services
page. Page template is set to Modular
And it have some of code:
title: Test
items: '@self.modular'
by: default
dir: asc
body_classes: services
menu: Test
slug: test
markdown: true
twig: true
onpage_menu: false
background: test.jpg
{% set image = theme_url ~ '/images/' ~ page.header.background %}
<div class="static_header" style="background-image: url('{{ image }}'); background-position: 0% 40%" >
<div class="overlay">
This piece of code renders perfectly.
Next child modular page _intro
title: Services
published: true
menu: MenuName
image_align: left
<section class="service-container container-fluid">
<div class="row no-gutters">
{% for image in page.media.images %}
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-6 col-xl-3 py-2">
<div class="card card-body h-100">
<div class="service-feature-box">
<div class="service-media">
{{ image.cropResize(806,582).html }}
<div class="service-body">
<div class="custom-heading centered">
<h4>{{ image.meta.heading[grav.language.getLanguage] }}</h4>
<p class="text-justify">{{ image.meta.description[grav.language.getLanguage] }}</p>
{% endfor %}
and it features custom page template, called services.html.twig
here is a code:
<section class="container-fluid">
<div class="row no-gutters">
<div class="col-md-12">
<div id="content-slide">
<div class="slideme">
<div class="showcase-inner">
{{ content }}
As a result the modular child page outputs plain html
. Do I’m missing something?