Modular page : modules did'nt appears

I’m trying to create a modular page, but the <section id="body"> in my html rendered contains nothing…

My site is under Grav 1.7, theme webfolio

simplest thing to check it makes sure that in your module content layout (pages) that there isn’t a, as this will take over priority over the .

Your modules page layout will be something like this

    |-- _about
    |-- _section

is that correct , is that what you current have?
make sure there is a bit of content in the markdown files

Most themes will also dynamically create a menu link, are you seeing any pages displayed on your frontpage ?

Come back to us with a bit more info and see if we can get you running :slight_smile:

@spamhater, actually your posted page structure doesn’t really make sense now. You can use 3 backticks for code blocks

some code
some code

Or four spaces in front of every line

    1st line
        2nd line
1st line
    2nd line
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Have edited the item, didn’t check it after I posted, was early morning lol, Think I have got it right this time. Thanks for the heads up :slight_smile:

3 posts were split to a new topic: Quark shows empty module ‘gallery’