Menu: how to add the blog in the one page site skeleton


I’m new of grav.
I’ve installed grav + admin and I add one page site and blog.
Everything works but I’m not able to add the blog in the menu of the home one page site.
Is it possible?
Here the site of my test?

The blog url


Do you want to move it from here to here

If yes I think you must install grav in the root which is the not in a sub root or folder which is

My English is not very good and it’s not simple to me explain what I need.

I’ve installed “one page site” and I like it very much but I need also blog.
I’ve installed also the blog and I can see it at
Now I want to add Blog in the home Menu.
Can you help me?



@pivari - A occhio sei italiano?

Il Blog lo puoi aggiungere alla “one page site”, non serve un altra copia di Grav.

Andando su dovresti vedere la ‘one page site’ - e da li dovresti entrare sul blog che diventa

La struttura delle cartelle potrebbe essere:


  • Highlight
  • Easy Content
  • Feature
  • Articolo-quel-che-e
  • Articolo-un-altro
  • eccetera

Quando sei sulla homepage il menu mostra le sottosezioni della pagina stessa, quindi potresti mettere una sottosezione che riporta al blog, magari con gli ultimi tre articoli.

Non so se mi sono spiegato, spero sia utile.


I’ve introduced a screenshot of the pages. In the menu I can’t see Blog. Where am I wrong?

That looks correct.

So, you just need to move the folder into the public_html root, instead of in its own grav folder, modify the modular page sections for your needs (and include a link out to the blog) and you’re in business.

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REgarding the top menu, my understanding of the default behaviour is that, on a modular home page the menu lists the modules, not the website structure. When the site is viewed on a mobile, the menu lists the site structure (so you’ll see “home” and “blog”)

You can modify this behaviour but it’s just as useful to create a “blog” module that lists the last 3, 6, whatever posts and that can be the gateway into the blog for desktop websites. And you’ll get a “blog” menu item in the desktop menu too.

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I’m not sure I’ve understood how to solve the problem. I usually use wp and it’s not so simple to understand grav.


Hi @pivari, if you want to have the menu always show “Home” and “Blog” just add

onpage_menu: false

to the header of your page (the home page that has the modular sections listed underneath it, like so:

title: Home
onpage_menu: false
    items: '@self.modular'
    limit: 5
        by: folder
        dir: asc
    pagination: true
    url_taxonomy_filters: true
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I’ve tried to set like you show me.
Now I can see Home and Blog but I can’t see the voices to jump insede the page like before
