Loop data from YAML multilingual


I am working on my first Grav site and I am preparing a chronology in multilingual mode. Here is my html skeleton:

    <div class="timeline-item" data-text="name">
	  <div class="timeline__content">{{ page.find('/images/gallery').media['img'].html('', '', 'timeline__img') }}
		<h2 class="timeline__content-title grey-text text-lighten-3">date</h2>
		<p class="timeline__content-desc grey-text text-lighten-1">desc</p>

How can I load data with a loop method? I think md is not suitable for this, but should I use YAML file with the following in multilingual? Thank you for all your help!

        name: 'About EN'
        img: '1.jpg'
        date: '1886'
        desc: 'Lorem ipsum... EN'
        name: 'About2 EN'
        img: '2.jpg'
        date: '1925'
        desc: 'Lorem ipsum...2 EN'
        name: 'About HU'
        img: '1.jpg'
        date: '1886'
        desc: 'Lorem ipsum... HU'
        name: 'About2 HU'
        img: '2.jpg'
        date: '1925'
        desc: 'Lorem ipsum...2 HU'

Have you had a look at the documentation about MetaFiles? These are yaml files that can contain any meta data you would like to add to an image.

There is the solution: https://github.com/getgrav/grav/issues/323

Yes, taking your yaml example, you could do something like the following in Twig:

{% set language = grav.language.getlanguage %}
{% set image = page.find('/images').media.images['myimage.jpg'] %}
{% for history in image.meta.history[language] %}
    {{ history.name }}
{% endfor %}