Login page form not loading

I am serving 2 websites on a single installation based on a subdirecty user/env/info and a variation on the Learn2 theme.

Everything works fine with one exception, on using login to access a private area in the sub site.
I have one set of plugins and relative symlinks in the folder 'env/info/plugins/ to the base plugins for each plugin used in the subdirectory site.
Each site has its own ‘config/plugins/’ folder with plugin yaml files
THe login form under the main site works
electricalsafety managment.com/private
However the same under the does not generate the form.

It clearly a path issue within the plugin, although the admin login works perfectly (for both sites.)
FYI I tried replacing the symlink to the plugin with the full plugin folder but it did’t make a difference

Anybody any ideas where to look.

@Jerry, Not sure if it can have any effect, but your sub site, has pipelining enabled. Don’t expect it makes a difference, but excluding any difference always helps when searching for issues…

Also, in plugins/login/templates/partials/login-form.html.twig contains:

<section id="grav-login">

    {% if page.template == 'login' or show_login_form %}

The <section> is being written, but the rest is not. Add some dumps like {{ dump(page.template) }} and {{ dump(show_login_form) }}

FYI I tried replacing the symlink to the plugin with the full plugin folder but it did’t make a difference

Did your discard the cache?

Thanks for your help.
I did clear the cache.
Also found another minor issue, probably related.
When I save a plugins config in the sub site, I get Successfully save (and it is) but the admin goes to
which gives error 404
Can’t trace why.

I can live with that and for now and given up on private section for the subsite

Seem to have fixed the problem.
There was another primary page folder with the name Login, it contained an external link page to an associated site login.
Renaming that folder solved the problem