Language specific pages


I’m a great fan of grav and crafted our company website with custom a theme.

Currently I’m facing a problem, that we would like to support multiple languages (mainly German and English) but would like to hide some pages from a particular language.
The theme handles modulars and the navigation is drawed by this code:

{% macro loop(page) %}
    {% for p in page.children.visible %}
        {% set current_page = ( or p.activeChild) ? 'selected' : '' %}
        {% if p.children.visible.count > 0 %}
            <li class="has-children {{ current_page }}">
                <a href="{{ p.url }}">
                    {% if p.header.icon %}<i class="fa fa-{{ p.header.icon }}"></i>{% endif %}
                    {{ }}
                    {{ _self.loop(p) }}
        {% else %}
            <li class="{{ current_page }}">
                <a href="{{ p.url }}">
                    {% if p.header.icon %}<i class="fa fa-{{ p.header.icon }}"></i>{% endif %}
                    {{ }}
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}

How could I insure that the availability of an translation is been checked?
In some folders I current only placed but the navigation also draws these in english version…

I’ve read your docs but didn’t found any hint how to handle this issue.

Thanks in advance

If you don’t want a page to show up at all for a particular language, simply create the page for the language (e.g. and set published: false.

Did you try that?

Hi rhuk,
thanks that works!