Langswitcher Plugin broken?

I installed the Langswitcher Plugin, but it looks like the langswitcher.language variable is not exposed to Twig. I cleaned the cache, checked Process Twig and Process Twig First with no result.

I use this Twit Partitial:

<ul class="langswitcher"> DBG:
{% for language in langswitcher.language %}
    {% set show_language = true %}
    {% if language == langswitcher.current %}
        {% set lang_url = page.url %}
        {% set active_class = ' active' %}
    {% else %}
        {% set base_lang_url = base_url_simple ~ grav.language.getLanguageURLPrefix(language) %}
        {% set lang_url = base_lang_url ~ langswitcher.page_route ~ page.urlExtension %}
        {% set untranslated_pages_behavior = grav.config.plugins.langswitcher.untranslated_pages_behavior %}
        {% if untranslated_pages_behavior != 'none' %}
            {% set translated_page = langswitcher.translated_pages[language] %}
            {% if (not translated_page) or (not translated_page.published) %}
                {% if untranslated_pages_behavior == 'redirect' %}
                    {% set lang_url = base_lang_url ~ '/' %}
                {% elseif untranslated_pages_behavior == 'hide' %}
                    {% set show_language = false %}
                {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
        {% endif %}
        {% set active_class = '' %}
    {% endif %}

    {% if show_language %}
        <li><a href="{{ lang_url ~ uri.params }}" class="external{{ active_class }}">{{ native_name(language)|capitalize }}</a></li>
    {% endif %}

{% endfor %}

The only output I get is

<ul class="langswitcher">DBG:</ul>

So the partitial is executed but its for loop is not entered.

I also checked the Plugin’s PHP code with the debugger. It correctly collects the installed languages and assigns it to the Twig variable.

It looks like this info gets lost in the Twig Partitital itself.

Any hints ?

Solved it :slight_smile:

It depends on where

{% include 'partials/langswitcher.html.twig' %}

is added. For the Quark theme, this means:

  • If you put it into macros/macros.html.twig, it won’t work because the language array in the twig variable is empty.
  • If you put it into navigation.html.twig, it is just the same.
  • If you use base.html.twig instead, it works like a charm.

This applies to both language plugins: Langswitcher and Language Selector Plugin.
I think it is an issue of multiple Twig parsing, because one file includes another …

– Harald