Langswitcher output after update

Hello ☆

using GRAV 1.1.1., I have a problem following update of plugin langswitcher.
problem is in langswitcher.html.twig:
1 + {{ lang_url ~ uri.params }} outputs /1 or /2 which is the position of the config language array where it should be /ja or /en,
2+ {{ native_name(key)|capitalize }} does not output anything, where it should be 日本語 or English.

I have seen that others have been facing the same problem, see, but no solution appearing anywhere yet there.

Below, for complete information, please find:
1 -langswitcher.html.twig,
2-the output as it commes,
3-my language settings of system.yaml (as I don’t really understand them and as it’s may be important).


<ul class="langswitcher">
{% set langobj = grav['language'] %}
{% for key in langswitcher.languages %}
    {% if key == langswitcher.current %}
        {% set lang_url = page.url %} 
        {% set active_class = ' active' %}
    {% else %}
        {% set lang_url = base_url_simple ~ langobj.getLanguageURLPrefix(key)~lan gswitcher.page_route ?: '/' %}
        {% set active_class = '' %}
    {% endif %}
    <li><a href="{{ lang_url ~ uri.params }}" class="external{{ active_class }}">{{  native_name(key)|capitalize }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}


<a href="/1" class=" external"></a> 
<a href="/2" class=" external"></a>

3-language settings of system.yaml:

     - fr
     - ja
     - en
  session_store_active: true     # Store active language in session
  http_accept_language: true   # Attempt to set the language based on http_accept_language header in the browser
  override_locale: true             # Override the default or system locale with language specific one

Thanks in advance for help ♪

ok problem solved!
it was a typo, see 3rd line after key there should not be , language:

<ul class="langswitcher">
{% set langobj = grav['language'] %}
{% for key, language in langswitcher.languages %}
    {% if key == langswitcher.current %}
        {% set lang_url = page.url %} 
        {% set active_class = ' active' %}
    {% else %}
        {% set lang_url = base_url_simple ~ langobj.getLanguageURLPrefix(key)~lan gswitcher.page_route ?: '/' %}
        {% set active_class = '' %}
    {% endif %}
    <li><a href="{{ lang_url ~ uri.params }}" class="external{{ active_class }}">{{  native_name(key)|capitalize }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}

ok good, because i was struggling to replicate this issue!