Good Morning, thanks for all! what had am i doing:
-i create a new site1.js file(under user/themes/quark/js) , i paste my script in this new file.
-then i go to twig - user/themes/quark/templates/partials
and i change the name Site.js in Site1.js. I hope i do not lost anything on the original homepage. (i did not create the hp, who would have thought :P)
-but if i copy the hole block and paste it under the “site.js” block, i get an error on the page with “the block javascripts has already been defined line 30”
so i was trying the change the block von Site.js in Site1.js and it works. i hope its correct what i did.
-now i have snowflakes here the result: Home | LSB Laserschweißtechnik Bertschinger
-and now i have to check how can i have more snowflakes. Done - i guess its enough snow :-))
for all unknown peoples (like me). here the right way:
i have in this block two lines for time for:
{% do assets.addJs(‘theme://js/site.js’, {group:‘bottom’}) %}
{% do assets.addJs(‘theme://js/site1.js’, {group:‘bottom’}) %}
One time it is loading my Site.js.
and in the site1.js there is my snowflake script and it works really good.
Everything i changed on my snowflake script for more, bigger & litte bit faster snowflakes.
Here the script:
// SnowFlakes-Script (c) 2022, Dominik Scholz / Webdesign
let snowflakes = (function() {
///////////////////////////// configuration ////////////////////////////
const defaultConfig = {
amount: 400, // amount of flakes
color: ['#AAAACC', '#DDDDFF', '#CCCCDD', '#F3F3F3', '#F0FFFF'], // random colors
fontType: ['Arial Black', 'Arial Narrow', 'Times', 'Comic Sans MS'], // random fonts
flakeChar: '*', // char used for flake
speed: .08, // speed of flakes
size: [18, 32], // minimum/maximum flake font size
drift: 17, // horizontal drift
///////////////////////////// private vars /////////////////////////////
let config = {},
flakes = [],
bodyWidth = 0,
bodyHeight = 0,
count = 0,
lastInterval = 0,
initialized = false,
running = false;
////////////////////////////// functions ///////////////////////////////
// auto start on document load
function autostart(userConfig)
window.addEventListener('load', function() { start(userConfig); });
// start snow
function start(userConfig)
if (running)
running = true;
config = mergeObjects(userConfig || {}, defaultConfig);
// add new flakes
while (config.amount > flakes.length)
// init snowflakes
if (!initialized)
initialized = true;
window.addEventListener('resize', resize);
let style = document.createElement('style');
style.innerHTML = '.js-anim-snowflake { user-select: none; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; zIndex: 20000; }';
lastInterval = time();
// stop snow
function stop()
running = false;
let i, l = flakes.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
if (flakes[i].y <= config.size[1])
// return running status
function isRunning()
return running;
// creates a new snowflake
function createFlake(i)
let el, f, s;
if (!flakes[i])
// create new dom el
el = document.createElement('div');
el.className = 'js-anim-snowflake';
el.innerHTML = config.flakeChar;
flakes[i] = {
el: el,
x: 0,
y: 0,
size: 0,
count: 0
f = flakes[i];
// create flake object
f.size = randomIntFromRange(config.size);
f.x = randomIntFromRange([config.drift + 1, bodyWidth - config.drift - f.size - 3]);
f.y = -f.size - randomIntFromRange([0, bodyHeight]);
f.count = randomIntFromRange([0, 10000]);
// init flake
s =;
s.transform = 'translate(0, -' + f.size + 'px)';
s.color = randomItemFromArray(config.color); = randomItemFromArray(config.fontType);
s.fontSize = f.size + 'px';
// remove an existing snowflake
function removeFlake(i)
flakes[i] = null;
// move existing flakes
function move()
// calculate movement factor
let t = time(),
dif = t - lastInterval,
l = flakes.length,
d = dif * config.speed * config.size[1],
i, flake, x, y;
lastInterval = t;
count += dif * config.speed / 20;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
if (null === flakes[i])
if (running)
flake = flakes[i];
flake.y += d / flake.size;
// restart existing flake
if (flake.y + flake.size >= bodyHeight)
if (running)
x = flake.x + Math.sin(flake.count + count) * config.drift;
y = flake.y; = 'translate(' + Math.floor(x) + 'px, ' + Math.floor(y) + 'px)';
// calculate new positions for all flakes
function resize()
// save old width
let oldWidth = bodyWidth;
// get new width and height
bodyWidth = getWindowWidth() - config.size[1];
bodyHeight = getWindowHeight() - config.size[1];
// calculate correction ratio
let ratio = bodyWidth / oldWidth;
// for all flakes
for (let i = 0, l = flakes.length, flake; i < l; i++)
flake = flakes[i];
if (!flake)
// do width correction
flake.x *= ratio;
// restart existing flake
if ((flake.y + flake.size) >= bodyHeight)
// get window width
function getWindowWidth()
let w = Math.max(self.innerWidth || 0, window.innerWidth || 0);
if (document.documentElement)
w = Math.max(w, document.documentElement.clientWidth || 0);
if (document.body)
w = Math.max(w, document.body.clientWidth || 0);
w = Math.max(w, document.body.scrollWidth || 0);
w = Math.max(w, document.body.offsetWidth || 0);
return w;
// get window height
function getWindowHeight()
let h = Math.max(self.innerHeight || 0, window.innerHeight || 0);
if (document.documentElement)
h = Math.max(h, document.documentElement.clientHeight || 0);
if (document.body)
h = Math.max(h, document.body.clientHeight || 0);
h = Math.max(h, document.body.scrollHeight || 0);
h = Math.max(h, document.body.offsetHeight || 0);
return h;
// get current time
function time()
return +new Date();
// return a random integer from a given range
function randomIntFromRange(a)
return Math.floor(a[0] + Math.random() * (a[1] - a[0]));
// return a random array element
function randomItemFromArray(a)
return a[Math.floor(Math.random() * a.length)];
// merge arrays
function mergeObjects(a, b)
let i, c = {};
for (i in b) { c[i] = b[i]; }
for (i in a) { c[i] = a[i]; }
return c;
// return public methods
return {
autostart: autostart,
start: start,
stop: stop,
isRunning: isRunning