Implementing Ajax function and sorting with datatables

@Baluga145, I did some research on and couldn’t find anything resembling your code. Then I realised you are using the Grav plugin ‘datatables’ which adds a shortcode to add the jQuery plugin ‘datatables’ to a page…

The plugin is already a bit dated and I couldn’t get it to work out of the box. I needed to alter a Twig template of the plugin.

The following steps will create you a working datatable populated with data from an Ajax request:

  • Create a fresh Grav installation

  • Add the plugins ‘datatables’ and ‘shortcode-core’ using:

    $ bin/gpm install shortcode-core
    $ bin/gpm install datatables
  • Create page ‘03.datatables/’:

    ├── 01.home
    │   └──
    ├── 02.typography
    │   └──
    ├── 03.datatables
    │   └──
    └── data

    The page ‘03.datatables/’ contains the following:

    title: DataTables
    <table id="example" class="display" style="width:100%">
      $('#example').DataTable( {
        // Replace the ajax call with your own data source
        ajax: "http://localhost/grav/site-dev/data.json",
        columns: [
          { "data": "Firma" },
          { "data": "Name" },
          { "data": "Sitzungszimmer" },
          { "data": "Uhrzeit" },
          { "data": "Datum" }
        paging: false,
        ordering: false,
        info: false,
        searching: false

    The page ‘’ contains the data for my ajax request. The ajax request to http://localhost/grav/site-dev/data.json will return the following json data:

      "data": [
          "Firma": "Tiger Nixon",
          "Name": "System Architect",
          "Sitzungszimmer": "Edinburgh",
          "Uhrzeit": "5421",
          "Datum": "2011/04/25"


    • returns invalid json data. $('#example').DataTable() will fail because of that.
    • If your website is not on the same domain as ‘’ you will probably run into ‘cross-origin’ errors preventing you from accessing the data.
  • As said, I couldn’t get the plugin ‘datatables’ to work out of the box. I had to change its template ‘datatables.html.twig’.
    Before you can do this, you will have to create a child theme as described in the documentation on Theme Inheritance

  • In your new child theme (called ‘mytheme’ hereafter), copy file ‘/user/plugins/datatables/templates/partials/datatables.html.twig’ into ‘user/themes/mytheme/templates/partials/’. Replace the content with the following code:

    {{ content }}
    $(document).ready( function () {
        {% if snippet %}
          {{ snippet }}
        {% endif %}
    } );
  • If you now open page ‘datatables’ in the browser, you should see something similar to this:

Hope this helps…

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