How would you make a view count?

How would you keep track views on a page and display it to the user?

Take a look at the admin plugin, it’s doing this already with a built in functionality called popularity. You can see the results in the dashboard.

Is there a simple way instead of writing a plugin?

No you will need a plugin to display the information. The hard work has already been done. If you have the Admin plugin installed, the data is tracked and stored as a simple json file.

You would still need a plugin to read that json file and do stuff with it. The page count for a particular page is not directly stored on or in the page itself.

Grav is meant to be simple and very fast, so it does not provide every possible feature, but it’s also crazy flexible, so you can add this kind of functionality if you wish. Plugins are easy to write with a little PHP experience. Just look at the 60+ plugins out there on GitHub already.

Okay thank you.