How to use <div> tag correctly?

Hi all, I’m facing a strange thing I don’t understand.
I want to use div tags in a standard page. I have check all my options like mardown extra:true and markdown=1, I tryed to leave a white line after the tag but I get something funny :slight_smile: :
the first div is shown correctly, but the second is escaped.

<div class="row" markdown="1"><div class="cell-2" markdown="1">
    Rouge :
    <div class="cell-2" markdown="1">
    Bois :

What I get is
Capture d’écran 2023-05-08 à 12.55.08

so strange, I tried one tag on a line, one empty line each time etc. Nothing is going right. What am I doing wrong ?
Thanks for any answer.

@Francois, You’re using tabs which interfere with formatting. Likewise when using spaces.

See what happens when you insert spaces in regular Markdown. The text might be considered to be a blockquote.

Used 4 spaces to indent this line

See this Markdown guide HTML Best Practices

Ok thanks for you solution (as usual :wink: )
but a last question then. why

<div class="row" markdown="1"><div class="cell-2" markdown="1">
Rouge :
<div class="cell-2" markdown="1">
Bois :

is working and

<div class="row" markdown="1"><div class="cell-2" markdown="1">
Rouge :
</div><div class="cell-2" markdown="1">
Bois :

is not showing the second div (not even escape it) ? another rule ?
Capture d’écran 2023-05-08 à 14.16.12

@Francois, I don’t know, but…

When I drop your snippet into Markdown, I get the following generated HTML as output:

<div class="row" markdown="1"><div class="cell-2" markdown="1">
Rouge :
</div><div class="cell-2" markdown="1">
Bois :

So, I cannot reproduce your output.

@pamtbaau well… I finally found how to but this has non sense for me.
It works if I remove all markdown=“1” from the tags or if I unvalid option markdown extra and force it to false.
At this time, I don’t need any further markdown inside my div as I’m using class, but is this your configuration ?

last minute correction, only option “mardown extra” should be forced to false. I kept markdown=1 in tags and it works correctly