How to make the footer open a new page

Hi folks - just installed Grav with the Blog Skeleton. There are links in the footer leading to Grav and Trilby Media. I’m more than happy to leave the credits, but I really want them to open in a new page and not replace my site.
I’ve looked at the code which includes target=_blank, but the don’t open in a new page. Any ideas what I have to change? Here’s what I found:

{% if custom_admin_footer %}
{{ custom_admin_footer|raw }}
{% else %}
Grav v{{ constant(‘GRAV_VERSION’) }} - Admin v{{ admin_version }} - {{ “PLUGIN_ADMIN.WAS_MADE_WITH”|tu|lower }} {{ “PLUGIN_ADMIN.BY”|tu|lower }} Trilby Media.
{% endif %}

Appreciate any help.

You reference the footer of the admin backend. I assume, you want to change the footer of the template frontend. For this, you need to change the following file:


Just replace the link variable with plain HTML, as you desire. E.g.

{# Render the backtotop link #}
{% if config.plugins.backtotop.enabled %}
    {% include 'partials/backtotop.html.twig' %}
{% endif %}
<section id="footer" class="section bg-gray">
    <section class="container {{ grid_size }}">
        <p><i class="fa fa-code"></i> with <i class="fa fa-heart-o pulse "></i> by <a href="" target="_blank">Harald Schneider Software & Mediadesign</a>.</p>

You’re a hero! Thanks. It was even easier - my mistake was to look in the wrong place - as you suspected, I was looking at the backend footer.

Your help is much appreciated!