How to automatically enable an override in a blueprint?

I’m working with a theme that inherits from Quark. I’d like new blog posts to automatically be set to visible: false. I’ve copied item.yaml to my inherited theme and added the following:

                  default: 0

In admin, the check box next to the page visibility override is left unchecked as seen in the attached image. Is there a way I can specify that this override should be checked/enabled?

@prw, Presuming the folders containing a blog item do not have a numeric prefix, shouldn’t items be invisible by default? Or are numeric prefixes used in your use-case? See variable visible.

By default, a page is visible in the navigation if the surrounding folder has a numerical prefix, i.e. /01.home is visible, while /error is not visible .

Anyway, if you add toggleable: false it should force adding visible: false to the header of the page.

@anon76427325, Thanks for your reply. I did try toggleable: false, and while it removes the checkbox next to the “Visible” item in admin, it does not enter visible: false to the page header. I have to manually click “Disabled” in admin and save again for the header to change. (Edit: To clarify, “Disabled” shows up as selected, but still needs to be clicked and saved to work.)

Thanks for the heads up about the numeric prefix. I didn’t notice that that’s a blog setting that can be enabled or disabled. I may want to keep numeric prefixing, though. So it would still be nice to find a solution to this that makes visible: false to be applied fully automatically.


For my previous answer, I did the following steps using the ‘Blog Site’ skeleton and theme ‘mytheme’ inheriting from Quark:

  • Copied ‘themes/quark/blueprints/item.yaml’ to ‘themes/mytheme/blueprints/item.yaml’
  • Replaced the contents of ‘item.yaml’ with:
    extends@: item
                      toggleable: false
                      default: 0
  • Added new blog item ‘My new blog item’ with root ‘Home’ and page template ‘Item’, leaving everything else to their default values.
    The field ‘visible’ looks as follows
  • Saved new blog item.
  • Header of page ‘01.home/my-new-blog-item/’:
    title: 'My new blog item'
    visible: false
        limit: 10

To mimic your use-case with numeric prefixes for blog items:

  • Copied folder ‘’ to ‘02.blog2’
  • Prefixed 2 blog items with numbers and removed the others.
  • Created new blog item ‘Prefixed blog item’, with root ‘Home2’ and template ‘Item’, leaving everything else to their defaults.
  • Saved blog item
  • Header of ‘02.blog2/03.prefixed-blog-item/’ is:
    title: 'Prefixed blog item'
    visible: false
        limit: 10

In both use-cases, the header is set to visible: false.

Thanks, @anon76427325 for your reply and taking the time to do a test case. I’ve been away from the project for a few days, and just coming back to it.

I tried repeating your steps with a fresh download of Quark and could not replicate your results. Until I tried with grav 1.6.x. Then it works as you demonstrated.

I have been using the 1.7 RC and it does not work. Do you think that’s a bug?

@prw, If not, it is at least a ‘breaking change’…

Please add an issue on

@anon76427325 done. Thanks again!