Grav Youtube Plugin: does lazy load functioning properly?

The Grav Youtube Plugin has a lazy-load function. It should increase performance of website.

After enabling lazy-load function the pageSpeed Insights test still warns me about:
Remove unused JavaScript :


Remove unused CSS

Is it normal behavior or lazy-load is not functioning properly in my case?
Placed it as shortcode in Custom HTML particle in Gantry 5 framework, Process shortcodes is turned on.
Could someone confirm?

Did you set the option in the Admin dashboard, or manually? Because the option in the config file is lazy_load with an underscore.

I’ve set it in Admin dashboard.
The config file now looks:

enabled: true
built_in_css: true
built_in_js: true
add_editor_button: false
  autoplay: 0
  cc_load_policy: 0
  color: red
  controls: 1
  disablekb: 0
  enablejsapi: 0
  fs: 1
  hl: null
  iv_load_policy: 3
  loop: 0
  modestbranding: 1
  origin: null
  playsinline: 0
  rel: 0
  showinfo: 1
  vq: hd1080
privacy_enhanced_mode: true
lazy_load: true

After some more tests I discovered that plugin partly works in Gantry Custom HTML particle with Short Code procession turned on. While it fully works in pages.
If there is no a hidden options it could be a bug in Gantry

P.S. I’ve reported this on Git, but it probably will take forever to investigate