Grav Shop Skel iPad, item display

Trying to figure out how to get items on the Shop Site Skel to wrap properly when on an iPad.
I have used both Chrome device and an actual iPad. I have attached a screen shot.
Something to do with the following lines in css/snipcart.css

@media only all and (min-width: 60em) and (max-width: 74.938em) {
.snipcart-products .snipcart-item.block {
width: 33%;
clear: none; }
.snipcart-products .snipcart-item.block:nth-child(3n+1) {
clear: left; } }
I’ve changed 3n+1 to other values, with varying results, tried removing all the above.
Appears to work on every other device I’ve tested (The issue is not evident until you add one or more products to the skeleton.)

Any assistance appreciated.
Screen Shot 2015-11-23 at 10

Replicated, it’s not just on an iPad, you just need the same width on any browser. Can you add this to the Snipcart plugin issues?

@flaviocopes thank you and done.

Thanks, Snipcart plugin updated with a fix

Working good :slight_smile: