I would like to show a collection of all “CHILDREN” pages with a special “TAG”
For now i use this collection:
{% set items = page.collection({'items':{'@self.children': '{{item.title}}'}, 'limit': '6','order': {'by': 'default', 'dir': 'asc'}}) %}
{% for item in items %}
<a href='{{item.url}}' class='{{item.title|lower|replace({'ä': "ae", 'ö': "oe", 'ü': "ue", 'ß': "ss", '.': "-"})}} cell'>{{item.title}}
<img src="/images/inspiration/kachel-nav/{{item.title|lower|replace({'ä': "ae", 'ö': "oe", 'ü': "ue", 'ß': "ss"})}}.jpg" alt="">
{% endfor %}
But here i would like to filter these Items only whit the tag: “top”
So i would like to combine @self.children & @taxonomy but i think it will not work.
Any suggestions? Is this possible?