Hi, I have tested my website, it’s fast cz i’m using redis as cache. but when i’m testing with GTMetrix it’s give me grade E … some improvement like this
It’s loading quite fast, and current GTmetrix grade is B, so I guess you’ve been fixing it already.
IMHO you’re losing some points because of the overuse of animations that affect rendering of the page (I’m talking about the HP).
Are you sure you need all that assets that slow down rendering? HP is relatively easy, could be done with a few lines of Grid CSS, no need to load the whole Bootstrap just for it. BTW: you can safely switch off some of the Grav plugins CSS as well (notices, login etc.).
Well, I still think the problem isn’t with Grav itself, but the way the template is build. You use a lot of resources that are split into many singular files.
I code every template myself and try to minimalize unnesessary code, HTTP requests etc. I achieve PageSpeed Insights results above 90 quite easily.