Hi there,
I am trying to initialize form field’s default values from a plugin based on data from the page header. For this I try to hock onFormInitialized
but I cannot access page
from here.
public function onFormInitialized(Event $event)
$form = $event['form'];
if( $form->getName() != 'my-form' ) {
$page = $this->grav['page'];
$my_data = $page->header()->my_data;
if( $my_data ) {
$form->setData('my_data', $my_data);
This is not working (Grav is rendering not_found.md)
Any suggestion on how to achieve this ?
@randoum, Played a bit with your code…
Having a page with the following header:
title: Contact
name: My default value
name: contact
label: Name
placeholder: Enter your name
autocomplete: on
type: text
required: true
... etc.
You could try the following in your plugin:
public function onPageInitialized(Event $event)
$this->page = $event['page'];
public function onFormInitialized(Event $event)
$form = $event['form'];
if (isset($this->page) && $form->name === 'contact') {
$form->setData('name.default', $this->page->header()->variables['name']);
This will yield the following form:
Another possible solution is calling a static method of a plugin to get default values:
Form definition in Page
name: contact
label: Name
placeholder: Enter your name
autocomplete: on
data-default@: ['\Grav\Plugin\MyPluginClass::getDefault', 'name']
type: text
required: true
public function onPageInitialized($event) {
self::$page = $event['page'];
public static function getDefault(string $field) {
if (isset(self::$page)) {
return self::$page->header()->variables[$field] ?? '';
Yes both work, I would not use the second one though cause static functions are meant to be static.
I also found another alternative, which I am not very satisfied with, but it works :
public function onTwigInitialized(Event $e)
new \Twig_SimpleFunction('set_form_default_values', [$this, 'setFormDefaultValues'])
public function setFormDefaultValues($form)
In twig template:
{{ set_form_default_values(form) }}
I would not use the second one though cause static functions are meant to be static.
For my understanding, would you mind elaborating?
As an alternative:
public static function getDefault(string $field) {
$grav = Grav::instance();
$pages = $grav['pages'];
$page = $pages->find('route/of/page');
return $page ? $page->header()->variables['name'] : '';
There is a very elegant Grav-way of initialising form fields with data in frontmatter by using the Form Plugin method setAllData().
It’s a well kept secret. On the other hand, the how-to is in this forum, see Twig in form yaml, dynamic input values
It took me over two years before I found that post last week. I will be dropping the plugin I created which resembles the answers in this thread.