Warning another newbie question, but it is not clear to me who handles this (grav, php, twig, theme, etc). If I take the Blog example in the Antimatter Theme, when I click on a Tag for a blog item listing, it changes the url:
and now I only get a listing of blogs that have that tag in it’s yaml file.
Where is this code that ignores the MD files in the pages/blog folder that do not meet that criteria? I want to mimic that same behavior for other content types (documents, samples, guides, tutorials, videos) and am trying to figure out my best file/folder structure.
Is is possible to disable this auto-magic filtering of collections? I have a project where I use collections extensively but not every collection display should be modifiable externally via a simple URL parameter.
I even wasn’t aware of the auto-filtering until I looked at the source code of the collection() function.
Basically every non-modular collection in a Grav site can be filtered via the URL.
Could we have something like:
Commited in Develop branch. will be enabled by default (so as not to break existing behavior, but you can either turn it off sitewide in user/config/system.yaml or in your page via: