Error validating the Captcha

Can not send form. Every time I get a “Error validating the Captcha” message after sumitting.

What does your form look like? Did you follow the ReCaptcha example documentation. Also did you set your ReCapatcha information in the form plugin configuration or dynamically in the form itself? Perhaps you can paste or gitst a copy of your page with the form?

Im sure have follow instructions in example documentation.

here you can see the live site with my form. form ist on home page.

hier is the page frontmatter content:

title: 'Achtsamkeit MBSR - Helga Hummel - Dipl. Psychologin'
    markdown: true
    twig: true
cache_enable: false
    enabled: false
    name: contact
            name: name
            label: 'Vor- und Nachname'
            placeholder: 'Geben Sie hier Ihren Namen ein.'
            autofocus: 'off' 
            autocomplete: 'on'
            type: text
                required: true
            name: telefonnummer
            label: Telefonnummer
            placeholder: 'Wie kann ich Sie telefonisch erreichen?'
            autocomplete: 'on'
            type: text
                required: true
            name: email
            label: E-Mail
            placeholder: 'Geben Sie hier Ihren E-Mail-Adresse ein ein'
            type: email
                required: true
            name: message
            label: Nachricht/Frage
            placeholder: 'Ihr Nachricht oder Frage an mich'
            type: textarea
                required: false
            name: erstkontakt
            label: Erstkontakt
            placeholder: 'Wie haben Sie von mir erfahren?'
            type: textarea
                required: flase
            name: g-recaptcha-response
            label: Captcha
            type: captcha
            recaptcha_site_key: 6Lcf1hQUAAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxznn2ucLoFOt
            recaptcha_not_validated: 'Captcha not valid!'
                required: true
            type: submit
            value: Absenden
            type: reset
            value: Reset
                recaptcha_secret: 6Lcf1hQUAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyXKmUHF
                subject: '[Site Contact Form] {{|e }}'
                body: '{% include ''forms/data.html.twig'' %}'
                fileprefix: contact-
                dateformat: Ymd-His-u
                extension: txt
                body: '{% include ''forms/data.txt.twig'' %}'
            message: 'Vielen Dank fuer Ihre Nachricht.'
            display: thankyou

here you can see the result form
Use the helium skeleton.
Btw: without recaptcha the form work fine.

I pasted your recaptcha field and action, added my keys, and the form worked fine for me. Make sure the keys are enabled on the domain you use.

I have already set up many Captcha forms under Joomla. There were never any problems. It is frustrating. The page is ready, only the form with Captcha does not go.

That error comes from - if you know a little PHP, you can do a var_dump($response) in there, and that will print the full error (will add some error logging there)

var_dump result after $response = json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true);

{ [“success”]=> bool(false) [“error-codes”]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(22) “missing-input-response” } }

here the recaptcha sourcecode in html output:

dump from $recaptchaSecret and $params[“recaptcha_secret”]
string(40) “6Lcf1hQUAAAAAHvwEiCE7rVa4xxHwSl8ayXKmUHF” } int(1)

I have now deleted this recaptcha record for this domain at google-recaptcha tool site and created a new one. The problem also occurs with this new data.

(please post code within triple backticks or triple dashes, it’s not readable if not)

The missing-input-response means the response parameter is not sent. What’s the dump of $query, in the same funciton? The $query['response'] value should be filled, as I see it defined in the form.

Also try usingname: "g-recaptcha-response" in captcha the form field.

value of $query after submitting is:
secret=6LfB-BQUAAAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxj-d0kAg9&response=03AHJ_Vuv aF2yXy3POYccPsHEDFf2ymibItoVqThYpscgv5jMSJCDobT5UeXUGpxhQU3nEuINW9ctswyARrBes7GmwTDrkubCNowLarzhOq_nRQn07HZhK4uVTrnHLx_ZFo2DW2BJgAPm5v7OfKs4D-tAP6YWZf8Kb83kYKcQHd6dzmlIgYlISodKppsGFJGRb_YbdMPri31iZA24IMB5JwZtbVDgmkRuvzbDX8etCnu3obj6pcKLikRPQ_j_qqlnkNXJWWYuNNXSIKhiunsG2r5rWGEzob26NY8cqxN8NGI8vCOYVvbpuPIIHdAnxVlcISmq7tz9fApH4a13VsjC4LfN1nEUcTN290686CviIPoWY5_5HPxtE-IqSWU2cXYkOJ1zNvZpU8nUblwH9ij_NNOzqvffKdJK5HUV2OszH3tRkp8GkYg6bqw6EseUw3AulWMhQrrgYkPGBceR5uM5PzPh-5MpoJaFKEg

Ok so the response parameter is there. Then, I don’t understand what the problem is.

Can you show me a sample site where the recaptcha worked fine? this sora sample form has not a captcha.

Is there any step i forgotten?

Yesterday I have installed a virgin grav project in my xampp enviroment using default antimatter template. And I create a new simple form in my-project/contactform. Every time the same error message.

Sorry flavio, but I have visited a lot of pages from this reference list forum:sample-grav-sites. NO captcha is used on any form! Never ever. I’m sure that the GRAV form captcha element does not just work for me! There must be an bug.

This is not a general problem. I have just tried setting up a brand new form on a remote site I have, and it works fine.

Test form:

title: Contact
published: true
cache_enable: false
    enabled: false
    name: contact-form
            name: email
            label: Email
            id: email
            type: email
                required: true
            name: g-recaptcha-response 
            label: Captcha
            type: captcha
            recaptcha_site_key: 6Lxxxxxxxxxxxr8hv
            recaptcha_not_validated: 'Captcha not valid!'
                required: true

            type: submit
            value: Submit
                recaptcha_secret: 6LxxxxxxxxxxxxlI54
            display: thankyou

The fact that no site you’ve seen has a captcha form, does not mean it’s because it does not work, that would have been reported before.

Still no clear idea what could be the cause of the problem.

That’s true, of course. It just surprised me. But I am helpless and end up with my possibilities.
Should I give you an access? Or pack and send the user directory?
Can I see your remote with captcha site? I would compare the behaviors of both.

Captcha is used on my sample site: and works perfectly. I imagine that you dispose of a private and public key for your site, this is necessary to make captcha work. It’s a google (Alphabet) service that you consume. The captcha implementation for forms in GRAV is nothing but an encapsulation for this remote service.

Validation will fail without a proper configuration in the forms plugin. There you will find two settings that allow you to supply the private and public key. You can also specify these keys into the form configuration itself.