Email Address Links in Markdown : issue

I have a problem with email adress links in markdown : on my website since a period. Email link is keeping for next mardown syntaxs until next link.

I use Grav v1.7.46 with Theme Quark Open Publishing v2.3.2. An idea ?

Example of issue : Allier (03) |

I have the same with all “markdown” syntaxs :

User Name

Hi @fyyc6244 , I am the author of Quark Open Publishing - I went to your site and clicking on the email address seemed to produce the expected address?

If it is still not working can you try the parent theme Quark and see if you get the same result?



The issue is not when you’re clicking on the email address. The issue is on the following text who keep the email address link (see blue text). And this change is stopped to the next internet link. In the following example, the text is blue between the email address and the Galerie word (next internet link). It’s not normal because the address link is keeped.

And this is the associate markdown description :

I have the same issue when i use the parent theme named Quark (v2.0.4).

Thanks a lot.

Thanks for the additional information. Trying to pinpoint the issue a bit more… it might be the use of the Font Awesome icon, if you remove the Font Awesome icons is the issue still present? If you can share the raw Markdown here as text (or DM me on Discord) I would try it locally on my install too.

Why does your email markdown have a completely different syntax than other links? You’re using HTML opening tag and never closing it

Example-CouteauDePoche.txt - pCloud for the markdown text of the page : Allier (03) |

If i remove [fa=address-card extras=fa-2x,fa-fw/], no change (same issue).

Best Regards.

Please precise your question/remark Karmalakas. I don’t understand.


is not a proper markdown

Good catch @Karmalakas , I should have noticed that :slightly_smiling_face:

When i see, Basic Syntax | Markdown Guide, the syntax is OK.

And when I try [xxxx](mailto:xxxxx), the result is the same (same issue)

Could you please quote the exact part where it says there’s such <...> syntax for links?

You should check this guide

Did you clear the cache?

I don’t recognise that way of adding icons with markdown. Is it a feature of the theme used? Or am I lost in the documentation?

If not, what I see are unfinished link tags, as @Karmalakas says. That leaves unclosed tags with unexpected content.

Have you tried that without the icon calls?

I tried all the syntaxs with or without icon calls, i have the issue in all cases
<a href=""></a>

Yes i cleared the cache and i click on CTRL+F5 under firefox

Running the latest Quark Open Publishing Theme locally I get this:

Using the following Markdown:

**Eric ALBERT** - Artisan Coutelier Forgeron - depuis 1990. 
- [fa=address-card extras=fa-2x,fa-fw/] [](
- [fa=address-card extras=fa-2x,fa-fw/] [EricAlbertCoutelier](
- [fa=address-card extras=fa-2x,fa-fw/] [](
- [fa=address-card extras=fa-2x,fa-fw/] 7, rue Henri Châtain - Les Raynauds 03600 **COMMENTRY**
- **Couteaux Pliants**: Pièces uniques [Galerie](

Does the same Markdown produce different results for you @fyyc6244 ?

It’s the same result (same issue). The root cause is somewhere else. The syntax is not the root cause.

Perhaps the next step is to disable as many plugins as possible to see if this is an issue due to some sort of plugin conflict etc?

I have an issue on plugins compatibility. Between anstispam plugin and another. When i disabled antispam plugin, no problem. To follow.

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