Create own modular template with custom fields

@NataliaB, A few remarks:

  • You are using a File field and according the docs:

    The file field is intended to be used by configuration , theme , and plugins blueprints, NOT page blueprints . For pages, you should use the existing pagemedia field and then utilize the filepicker field to select the files.

  • When using a File field, {{page.header.custom.coverImage}} is indeed an array. Have a look at your *.md
  • {{ page.content }} should be {{ page.content | raw }}
  • <img src= " {{page.header.custom.coverImage}} " />
    should be:
    <img src= "{{ page.url }}/{{ page.header.custom.coverImage }}" />
    or maybe:
    {{ (|first).html | raw }}

but why show on page with

I’m afraid I do not understand you last remark.
Maybe just a matter proper formatting using triple backticks (```) and &lt; instead of <.