Create floating/sticky sidebar in Quark blog

Hi guys,

I found this post while searching on how to have the sidebar fixed.

I simply included ~ all the content of my sidebar template (essentially blog-sidebar.html.twig) inside a

    <div class="p-fixed">

so the file at the end was:

{% set feed_url = wiki.url == '/' or wiki.url == base_url_relative ? (base_url_relative~'/'~wiki.slug) : wiki.url %}
{% set new_base_url = wiki.url == '/' ? '' : wiki.url %}
{% set sidebar_root = header_var('sidebar_root', [page, blog, wiki])  %}

<div class="p-fixed">

  {% if config.plugins.simplesearch.enabled %}
  <div class="sidebar-content">
    {% include 'partials/simplesearch_searchbox.html.twig' %}
    {% if config.plugins.feed.enable_json_feed %}<a class="btn" href="{{ feed_url }}.json"><i class="fa fa-rss-square"></i> JSON</a>{% endif %}
  {% endif %}


The result is not bad at all:

with the only drawback that “fixed” is really fixed and so once the page is scrolled and the hero images is no more visible, all that space is empty:


@bozzochet, I took a look at how Bootstrap implements a ‘sticky’ toc.

On a fresh install of Grav 1.7.9, I added the following snippet to ‘/user/themes/quark/css/custom.css’:

// Only apply sticky when columns are shown side-by-side
@media screen and (min-width: 841px) {
  #sidebar {
    position: sticky;
    top: 4rem;
    height: calc(100vh - 7rem);
    overflow-y: auto;


You will probably need to adjust the values for ‘height’ and ‘top’ to suit your own needs.

Note: Off course, this should be done in an inherited theme to prevent loss of changes when a new version of Quark arrives.

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this is not working for me.

Maybe is due on how I inherited and customized.

Hi created a custom theme (“My Quark”) for my website:

This will be the website of a scientific experiment (HERD, a space-born astroparticle detector). This will be the website both for “public” (outreach) and for the international collaboration (in a section eventually protected via password).

The software of this experiment is on Gitlab and we wanted to host here its wiki.
So what I did is to “copy” the blog templates from the “quark” theme, renamed to wiki (also in the internal links) so to customize just the pages I declare as “wiki”.

$> ls user/themes/my-quark/templates/
item.html.twig    modular           modular.html.twig partials          wiki.html.twig
$> ls user/themes/my-quark/templates/partials/
hero.html.twig           logo.html.twig           wiki                     wiki-item.html.twig      wiki-list-item.html.twig wiki-sidebar.html.twig

in particular wiki.html.twig has

    {% block sidebar %}
      {% include 'partials/wiki-sidebar.html.twig' %}
    {% endblock %}

and wiki-sidebar.html.twig (the one I was referring in my first post) has

  {{ page.find("/#{sidebar_root}/modules/sidebar").content|processhtmllinks|raw }}

(slightly changed with respect to the default “quark” sidebar.html.twig to allow for a custom header var sidebar_root).
In principle there’s not any other difference.

I put the snippet you mentioned in my user/themes/my-quark/css/custom.css that now is:

.container.grid-xl {
    max-width: 20000px;

.hero.hero-tiny {
    max-height: 3.5em;
    padding-top: 4.5em;
    padding-bottom: 0px;

h1, .h1 { font-size: 3.5em; }

@media screen and (min-width: 841px) {
  #sidebar {
    position: sticky;
    top: 4rem;
    height: calc(100vh - 7rem);
    overflow-y: auto;

but the sidebar is disappearing when scrolling the page…

What I miss?


@bozzochet, I’m afraid you are overestimating my skill in generating a mental image of the final generated HTML… And HTML is the only thing of interest because CSS styles HTML elements, not Twig templates.

Do you have a URL to share?

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I think was the cache… Now is working…



@bozzochet, Nice to hear it’s working.

According the forum’s netiquette, you may now spread some ‘love’ and mark the issue as being solved. :wink:

Yes thanks!

Maybe I still miss to flag the post as “solved”… Now I “study” on hot to do!

Thanks again,