Comment plugin: not actived when route differs from '/blog'

Hi all,

I’m new to this forum and Grav, migrating my old, and unfinished, web to Grav.

I’m trying to active comments for my blog section over a Deliver theme.

I install comment with CLI tool (bin/grav install comments), copy comments.yaml to user/config/plugin/comments/ in order to customize and modify blog_item.html.twig to show comments.

I change only enable_on_routes and disable_on_routes in comments.yaml:

  - '/diario-e'

  - '/diario-e/entradas-sin-comentarios'

My file tree on grav looks in this way:

$ ll pages/
total 4,0K
drwxrwsr-x 1 razlobo daemon 104 ago 30 13:09 01.home
drwxr-sr-x 1 razlobo daemon  90 ago 30 13:07 02.servicios
drwxr-sr-x 1 razlobo daemon  22 ago 28 22:55
drwxr-sr-x 1 razlobo daemon 252 sep  4 13:27 04.diario-e
lrwxrwxrwx 1 razlobo daemon  12 ago 30 14:22 -> 04.diario-e/
drwxr-sr-x 1 razlobo daemon 104 ago 28 13:24 10.sobre-mi
drwxr-sr-x 1 razlobo daemon 104 ago 28 22:31 11.contactar
drwxr-sr-x 1 razlobo daemon  20 ago 28 23:06 _aviso-legal
drwxr-sr-x 1 razlobo daemon  16 ago 28 22:49 error

I make a link from blog to diario-e in order to check default route and, comments runs well when access by site/blog/post-entry (and not when I go by site/diario-e/post-entry).

I active debugger to try to find the problem, but I’m not a programmer and I can’t see it, but I think that is something related with the way that comments “charges” enabled routes. See the debugger comment plugin section:


    array:5 [
      "enabled" => true
      "enable_on_routes" => array:1 [
        0 => "/blog"
      "disable_on_routes" => array:2 [
        0 => "/blog/blog-post-to-ignore"
        1 => "/ignore-this-route"
      "form" => array:4 [
        "name" => "comments"
        "fields" => array:7 [
          0 => array:6 [
            "name" => "name"
            "label" => "PLUGIN_COMMENTS.NAME_LABEL"
            "placeholder" => "PLUGIN_COMMENTS.NAME_PLACEHOLDER"
            "autocomplete" => "on"
            "type" => "text"
            "validate" => array:1 [
              "required" => true
          1 => array:5 [
            "name" => "email"
            "label" => "PLUGIN_COMMENTS.EMAIL_LABEL"
            "placeholder" => "PLUGIN_COMMENTS.EMAIL_PLACEHOLDER"
            "type" => "email"
            "validate" => array:1 [
              "required" => true
          2 => array:5 [
            "name" => "text"
            "label" => "PLUGIN_COMMENTS.MESSAGE_LABEL"
            "placeholder" => "PLUGIN_COMMENTS.MESSAGE_PLACEHOLDER"
            "type" => "textarea"
            "validate" => array:1 [
              "required" => true
          3 => array:3 [
            "name" => "date"
            "type" => "hidden"
            "process" => array:1 [
              "fillWithCurrentDateTime" => true
          4 => array:3 [
            "name" => "title"
            "type" => "hidden"
            "evaluateDefault" => ""
          5 => array:3 [
            "name" => "lang"
            "type" => "hidden"
            "evaluateDefault" => "grav.language.getLanguage"
          6 => array:3 [
            "name" => "path"
            "type" => "hidden"
            "evaluateDefault" => "grav.uri.path"
        "buttons" => array:1 [
          0 => array:2 [
            "type" => "submit"
        "process" => array:4 [
          0 => array:1 [
            "email" => array:2 [
              "body" => "{% include 'forms/data.html.twig' %}"
1 => array:1 [
        "addComment" => null
      2 => array:1 [
      3 => array:1 [
        "reset" => true
  "comments" => array:4 [
    "enabled" => true
    "enable_on_routes" => array:1 [
      0 => "/diario-e"
    "disable_on_routes" => array:2 [
      0 => "/diario-e/entradas-sin-comentarios"
      1 => "/blog"
    "form" => array:4 [
      "name" => "comments"
      "fields" => array:7 [
        0 => array:6 [
          "name" => "name"
          "label" => "PLUGIN_COMMENTS.NAME_LABEL"
          "placeholder" => "PLUGIN_COMMENTS.NAME_PLACEHOLDER"
          "autocomplete" => "on"
          "type" => "text"
          "validate" => array:1 [
            "required" => true
        1 => array:5 [
          "name" => "email"
          "label" => "PLUGIN_COMMENTS.EMAIL_LABEL"
          "placeholder" => "PLUGIN_COMMENTS.EMAIL_PLACEHOLDER"
          "type" => "email"
          "validate" => array:1 [
            "required" => true
        2 => array:5 [
          "name" => "text"
          "label" => "PLUGIN_COMMENTS.MESSAGE_LABEL"
          "placeholder" => "PLUGIN_COMMENTS.MESSAGE_PLACEHOLDER"
          "type" => "textarea"
          "validate" => array:1 [
            "required" => true
        3 => array:3 [
          "name" => "date"
          "type" => "hidden"
          "process" => array:1 [
            "fillWithCurrentDateTime" => true
        4 => array:3 [
          "name" => "title"
          "type" => "hidden"
          "evaluateDefault" => ""
        5 => array:3 [
          "name" => "lang"
          "type" => "hidden"
          "evaluateDefault" => "grav.language.getLanguage"
        6 => array:3 [
          "name" => "path"
          "type" => "hidden"
          "evaluateDefault" => "grav.uri.path"
      "buttons" => array:1 [
        0 => array:2 [
          "type" => "submit"
    "process" => array:4 [
        0 => array:1 [
          "email" => array:2 [
            "body" => "{% include 'forms/data.html.twig' %}"
        1 => array:1 [
          "addComment" => null
        2 => array:1 [
          "message" => "PLUGIN_COMMENTS.THANK_YOU_MESSAGE"
        3 => array:1 [
          "reset" => true

My last test was change enabled_on_routes directly on user/plugins/comments/comments.yaml and it runs well on “/diario-e”.

So, this is a bug or there are something that I do bad?

So many thanks.

Best regards.

Salud y Revolución.
