Hi, i try install grav first in virtual machine with nginx and put all content in /var/www/html and this work but when i try install in other server real with apache because thi is my webpage i create virtualhost and in the directory /var/www/html i create a folder mydomain and grav, inside of grav i put all content from file grav+admin.zip when i load the page appearme the admin panel but when i select in the menu left “tools” appearme http://tools and a message that say “This domain is not configured for this service. Please add it to your account.” why this? Grav work in virtualhost? please helpme.
I would recommend starting here: https://learn.getgrav.org/webservers-hosting
Lots of information on how to get grav up and running on various hosting sites.
Hi, thanks for you recommendation but i followed this link the trouble is that when i create a directory for grav not working but when i puta allí content in un the webroot this work, where i can say to grav that the directory is other?
Any other menu works fine?
I remember another user had this same issue but I can’t find it (or it was you?) - basically my conclusion was that the hosting must be running something hosting-specific under /tools
, and that link triggers it.
This domain is not configured for this service. Please add it to your account
seems quite explicit about this possibility.
Hi @flavio yes i’m this user but my account not login, well i see that all work when the content of grav is /var/www/html but when i put all content in a folder /var/www/html/grav load the page but when i make click in any menu this appear http://tools or http://page and appear me the message. You know that file is that say all content is in webroot?
I install grav on the same server with nginx (but i uninstall nginx) and follow the link to the grav but this not work, antbody can a link by install garv on apache2 i need know that package missing install.
I am using mamp pro on mac. charges 39 eur. it worths every single cent. simply create a host and copy the grav installations files to the host related folder. make sure that u dont copy the files from folder, because u may not select the hidden files. instead of doing so unzip the folder and rename it.
Hi npetri, well yes i copy all files include the hidden and i rename the folder but noting, i see that in the blog of grav appear information detail of how install grav by nginx step by step but for apache only appear the version of perl and deploy with composer