Chosing inherited theme in admin panel

Hi, I have created a child theme to Quark following the manual guide. But how do I swap to the new theme? It is not displayed in the admin / themes page. Or are child themes not displayed there?

@nwi, If properly defined a child theme shows up in Admin.

I would suggest to use the easier and less error prone CLI version:

$ bin/gpm install devtools
$ bin/plugin devtools new-theme
  // Choose inheritance when asked for theme type

For me the manual way is easier as I don’t really understand the CLI way to do it.

Thank you for your advise, pamtbaau.
For me the manual way is easier as I don’t really understand the CLI way to do it.

This is what I did:

  1. Created the folder user/themes/mgb-theme
  2. Copied the YAML file an added the code as described.
  3. Copied the blueprints.yaml
  4. Changed the config/system.yaml.
  5. Created a new theme Class file.

Is there anything obviously wrong? Thanks for any tipps.

@nwi, Have you tried the CLI method to see if that creates a functional child theme?

No, that is much more complicated for me, as I have not installed PHP on my PC to run CLI.

Hi @nwi

In your “mgb-theme.php” file try

namespace Grav\Theme;

use Grav\Common\Theme;

class MgbTheme extends Quark
    // Access plugin events in this class


  • NEW ADD : use Grav\Common\Theme;
  • Lowercase letter to uppercase : class Mgbtheme to class MgbTheme

The sub-theme must be visible in the backoff > theme :slightly_smiling_face:


Wait, are you developing on production?

Thanks for the suggestion @Kit , but it did not work. :thinking:
It is probably something very obvious, but I’m new to Grav and I have no idea, what could be wrong.

Yes, but that shouldn’t be the cause.

@nwi what’s in your blueprints.yaml file ?
mbg-theme > blueprints.yaml

My blueprints.yaml
name: Mbg Theme
slug: mbg-theme
type: theme
version: 0.1.0
description: xxx
icon: rebel
  name: xxx
keywords: grav, theme, etc
license: MIT
  - { name: grav, version: '>=1.6.0' }