Capitals vs Non-Capitals for Categories?

All of my categories are assigned ad lowercase like this:

    - photography
    - Admin
    - Stuff
    - aperture
    - opinion

I have this block of code calling for category summary pages in my blog"

	<a href="{{ base_url }}/category:Admin">Admin</a>
	<a href="{{ base_url }}/category:Photography">Photography</a>
	<a href="{{ base_url }}/category:Web Development">Web Development</a>

The Admin and Web Development links work as expected. But the Photography link brings up a blank page unless I do it like this:

	<a href="{{ base_url }}/category:photography">Photography</a>

But if I call for the Admin category page like this:

	<a href="{{ base_url }}/category:admin">Admin</a>

I get a blank page.

So Admin wants to be called as Admin but Photography wants to be called as photography.

Why should that be?

Looks suspiciously like your cache issue again :slight_smile: Can you try clearing that first.

Not that. I cleared it and am not running through the CodeKit cache. Grav’s caching is turned off.

And it’s consistent. Admin always wants to be Admin and Photography always wants to be photography.

If you send me a zip of your site I can try to replicate it (devs at

Also tell me where specifically to look to find the issue.

On the way…

Nope. Error:

<>: host ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM[] said: 552-5.7.0 This
   message was blocked because its content presents a potential 552-5.7.0
   security issue. Please visit 552-5.7.0 to review our 552
   5.7.0 message content and attachment content guidelines.
   bl11si7319297pdb.125 - gsmtp (in reply to end of DATA command)

Another way?

Dropbox? Dropplr? GoogleDrive?

I was tempted to try Yosemite’s AirDrop, but went with Dropbox. See your email.

Ooops! Don’t spend any time on this. The inconsistency in capitalization was my own in the different blog post yaml.


ok so sorted?

Yes, thanks. I hate wasting your time. Sometimes I just need to spend a little longer stewing on a problem before asking. :frowning: