Cannot login Admin plugin

Hi, i have installed the admin plugin via gpm, but when i visit the /admin folder of my website, i receive 404 error.

I’m using the latest version of grav (upgraded all plugins too). This is the output of the terminal - there are no errors.

Am i missing something?

kaladan@kaladan { /var/www/html/tedxadp }$ php bin/gpm install admin

Package Admin Panel has 3 required dependencies that must be installed first…

Preparing to install Form [v0.2.1]
|- Downloading package… 100%
|- Checking destination… ok
|- Installing package… ok
’- Success!

Preparing to install Email [v0.2.0]
|- Downloading package… 100%
|- Checking destination… ok
|- Installing package… ok
’- Success!

Preparing to install Login [v0.3.0]
|- Downloading package… 100%
|- Checking destination… ok
|- Installing package… ok
’- Success!

Preparing to install Admin Panel [v0.4.2]
|- Downloading package… 100%
|- Checking destination… ok
|- Installing package… ok
’- Success!

Clearing cache

I’m sure you can’t access any subpages in Grav on the frontend too. This is because you need to ensure that rewrites are working first.

Check out this document on the learn site to help you troubleshoot your problem.

Thanks! Fixed it. The Admin is awesome! Great work :slight_smile: