Can`t add new addons

I have this error when I click the button that leads me adding new addons.
(I`m in the page of addons, and click that button, here this screen appears)

0 - An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template (“foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given”).

Log: grav.log - Google Drive

Reports page shows everything OK.

The most recent action was deleting Tabs folder (from plugins folder using FTP) because it caused an error, that is fixed. If necessary, its error was:
require(/home2/prizesciedu/public_html/mag2/user/plugins/tabs/vendor/autoload.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory

I checked a similar thread here but the problem is different.

I`m using the Open Research skelton.

@ashraf, I’m afraid I do not understand the question… Please clarity.

A step-by-step description of how we can reproduce the issue would be helpful.

If there is an issue with a plugin, please create an issue at the repo of the specific plugin.

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I already marked it as solved, and tried to create a new post concerning the plugin, but the forum automatically merged the thread twice.
OK, I’ll report this and attach a video screen shot in the repo… if it`s available… many plugins have problems and their repos no longer exist.

To solve this problem just disable “Content Edit” plugin.


but the forum automatically merged the thread twice.

It was me merging the topics… Once.

I’ll report this and attach a video screen shot in the repo…

For the sake of clarity, don’t use screenshots, but an easy to read step-by-step description.

in the repo… if it`s available…

All plugins and themes listed by GPM should have a repo. If you do encounter an issue please report this and I’ll have a look at it.

many plugins have problems

If so, please notify the author.

and their repos no longer exist

Please list the ones you’ve found.