Im using this brilliant table component on another website using a very simple site.
It allows the use of a data source using php posts and gets to modify and fetch the data.
Can this be done with Grav? For example: how could I setup Grav to respond with a php response like:
(There is other setup data too)
When the request is a simple: /gettabledata
I have tried a plugin using routes, but it only returns the current uri for the page that is being viewed, not the request.
Would it work on a page with somehow attaching php to execute it?
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Im really impressed with Grav overall… and I feel there is a very simple answer to this.
You can certainly put data into a YAML file either in the user/config folder, or directly into the YAML frontmatter of a page. Then simply iterate over that data. Then you could simply loop over that data with Twig, so yah it’s totally doable.
Hi rhuk, Im extremely new to Grav so forgive me if Im having troubles following.
How does the putting a file into the user/config solve the problem? Can I put PHP in that file? I need to make MySQL calls in PHP to get the data so, this needs to remain in some way.
I assume you are talking about fixed data in files - which is another issue. Here is what I can get working at the moment, but “outside” Grav.
use Grav\Common\Grav;
use RocketTheme\Toolbox\Event\Event;
$autoload = __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
if (!is_file($autoload)) {
die("Please run: bin/grav install");
// Register the auto-loader.
$loader = require_once $autoload;
// Set timezone to default, falls back to system if php.ini not set
// Set internal encoding if mbstring loaded
if (!extension_loaded('mbstring')) {
die("'mbstring' extension is not loaded. This is required for Grav to run correctly");
// Get the Grav instance
$grav = Grav::instance(
'loader' => $loader
//$limit = $_GET['limit'];
//$offset = $_GET['offset'];
$uri = $grav['uri'];
$config = $grav['config'];
//Connect to DB
$server = $config->get('plugins.db-table.mysql_server');
$port = $config->get('plugins.db-table.mysql_port');
$user = "root"; //$config->get('plugins.db-table.mysql_username');
$pwd = ************"; //$config->get('plugins.db-table.mysql_password');
$db = 'mydatabase'; //$params['db'];
$table = 'mytable'; //$params['table'];
// Establish MySQL Connection
$db_con = \mysqli_connect($server,$user,$pwd,$db,$port);
if(!$db_con) {
throw new \RuntimeException($user .":" . $pwd ."@" . $server .":" . $port ."/" . $db . " | " . mysqli_connect_error());
//Grab the table for display
$tableSQL = "SELECT * FROM " . $db . "." . $table . " ";
if($tableResult = \mysqli_query($db_con,$tableSQL)) {
} else {
throw new \RuntimeException(mysqli_error($db_con));
$rawdata = array();
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($tableResult))
$rawdata[$i] = $row;
$outdata = array(
'total' => $i,
'rows' => $rawdata
echo json_encode($outdata);
This was a test to make sure I can fetch the data.
I also need to write back to the database too. The bootstrap-table provides events to call urls when these events happen.
Unless Im missing something. Can I put this directly into /user/config/some file.yaml
Are there any examples that respond to "post request".
Sorry I thought your DB example was just an example, Grav being flat doesn’t use a DB by default, so we typically use YAML or JSON files to contain data. That said if you already have a DB that you need to get data out of, you can do so from a plugin. You don’t need to access a PHP file directly, you can create a plugin that performs some actions when a particular path is accessed, or a specific param or something. Take a look at the feed plugin for example. This responds to a particular URL and outputs XML. Obviously not exactly the same but you can see how an HTML output with Twig rendering data loaded from a DB could definitely be achieved.
Hi rhuk - yes, that does sound much like what I need.
Thanks for the assist. I hope to turn this into a “Database Table” plugin/tool. I used the Database Forms plugin as a basic starter for the plugin, but the Feeds one does look more appropriate.
Thanks again.