I have written a plugin which replaces some placeholders with generated content. Therefore it uses the “onPageContentProcessed” event and get the content by “getRawContent()” method.
This works fine on “normal” pages, but the plugin has no access to the content of the child pages listed in the blog list page.
I played around with the random plugin and dumped the variables “$taxonomy_map” and “$collection” which holds both a huge amount of data. But I nevertheless did get access to a childs content.
Is there an easier way to get the pages collection of a menu item instead of using the taxonomy object? If not, how can I access the content of theese child pages to replace them with dynamic generated content?
My main problem is, that all pages displayed on the blog list page, are cached immediately. So if the user clickes on an blog item to see the complete content, my plugin event do not fire, because the cache “thinks” this page is already cached.