Bin/gpm on wamp server

sorry for my noob question I was wondering how to run the bin/gpm on local machine using wamp. I can install grav no problem by just unzipping the folder inside wamp/www/grav but I am trying now to install the admin panel and i can’t seem to run bin/gpm commands I am prolly missing something or if that’s even possible.
I get the error usr/bin/env: php: no such file or directory.

mamp on mac i’m assuming? what happens when type:

$ php -v

and also:

$ which php

no windows 7
php -v : gives me "php: command not found"
which php returns nothing

You need to put PHP in your path. You should probably follow along with this blog post to properly set up MAMP on windows.

ok thanks that was rough but it worked ha!