Best Practice

Placing the dump is showing that all the YAML info is coming through as expected. I put in the code and got , which was expected. I am having issues figuring out what should surround {{ child.header.upcomingrace.image }}. On the taxonomy page I have working - {{[post.header.racer.image].url }} does the trick. I have tried all combinations, nothing seems to work.

Does the image file exist in the page? Try dumping

the dent in my desk, where I am pounding my head from both frustration and “duh” moments is growing larger. Thanks for your help, once again.

rhukster, I came across a bug that I am having an issue finding solution for regarding the blog feed on the homepage. I am unsure where it’s pulling the date from - seems maybe from the homepage date?


The code:

<ul class="news">
	{% for press_item in page.find('/press').children.published.slice(0,4) %}
		<h3><a href="{{ press_item.url }}">{{ press_item.title }}</a></h3>
    	<p class="meta"><span class="list-blog-date">{{|date("F") }}, {{|date("d") }} {{|date("Y") }} </span></p>
	{% endfor %}

The meta data was pulled from the Blog item template.

Looks like your pulling the date form so yes, it’s the parent page. If you want the date from the item your looping over, you would need to use