Hi community,
I’ve inherited a job and I’m supposed to keep an eye on a website.
But I’m not a web designer.
It seems to be customized Agency Theme.
The Background Banner on the Top ist white and the menu font color is also white.
How do i change the Menu font color?
There is no custom.css in the template or in the file structure.
The answer is still CSS
Is it an inheriting custom child theme? If so, you could probably change the main theme CSS. Or you could even add custom CSS load to base template.
It is a custom theme from Agency with its own file structure.
Wich css file do i have to modify?
One of these: ?
I suspect it’s scss\agency.scss
, but then you have to compile it to css-compiled\agency.css
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Can you share the link to the site?
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It is a custom theme from Agency with its own file structure.
Not sure what your interpretation of “custom theme” is.
- Do you mean Agency is inherited as @Karmalakas asked?
- If so, does it contain file /user/themes/yourtheme/templates/base.html.twig?
Anyway… The original theme Agency has the following line in /user/themes/agency/templates/base.html.twig: See line 14
{% do assets.addCss('theme://css/custom.css',100) %}
If the “custom theme” did not override base.html.twig from theme Agency, or it still has that line in its template, you can add your css in file /user/themes/yourtheme/css/custom.css.
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in the file /user/themes/efbornheim/templates/partials/base.html.twig
{% block stylesheets %}
{% do assets.addCss(‘theme://css-compiled/global.css’,100) %}
{% do assets.addCss(‘theme://css/custom.css’,100) %}
@SportStau, In that case, you can create file /user/themes/efbornheim/css/custom.css and add your css in that file.
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Try adding
.navbar-default .nav li a {
color: #000;
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Does the CSS file have to be compiled?
Does the CSS file have to be compiled?
No, css is what is understood by the browser. Only scss, sass and less files need to be compiled into css.
I’ve inherited a job and I’m supposed to keep an eye on a website.
But I’m not a web designer.
You might consider asking to also get the training required for the job…
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You are right!
The problem was CSS Pipeline was switched off.
Now the custom.css file is loading.
Thank you all. Thank you for your patience. Thanks for all explanations.
@SportStau, The pipeline was not the issue, because earlier this morning, I saw custom.css and its css being loaded in my browser.
Maybe your browser hasn’t refreshed back then?
When working on html, css or js, it’s a good practice to open the DevTools window and disable cache when DevTools is open. In Chrome it has a permanent setting for this: Disable cache (while DevTools is open)
I assume other browsers offer a similar setting.
Also the cache of Grav might sometimes lead to head scratching. It can be switched of in system.yaml.