I’ve figured out how to use blueprints.yaml to add options to the theme, but it doesn’t seem to matter how I edit config/site.yaml no new fields show up in the admin panel
Actually never-mind, I was editing the system/config/site.yaml instead of creating user/blueprints/config/site.yaml. Why are there so many site.yamls, blueprints/site.yaml in the directory lol… If I use the same code in user/config/site.yaml I get a blank screen. Why is this here if I can’t edit it?
A blueprint defines how the Admin form should be presented to allow the user to change a configuration file.
See http://learn.getgrav.org/forms/blueprints/example-config-blueprints which shows how to add an additional option to the Site configuration.
will contain the form definition (how the Admin will show the form to the user)
will contain the option values (the actual values as set by the user)
I did read that, but considering that folder doesn’t already exist in the current grav version and I coudn’t find any applications of it within skeletons it didn’t click. Shouldn’t there be a theme blueprint for the admin panel fields, given that I’m referencing those values specifically within the theme?