406 Error recently

I think I enabled some security stuff, and I’m not sure what. Lately I have been getting this error message randomly.

Error 406 - Not Acceptable

Generally a 406 error is caused because a request has been blocked by Mod Security. If you believe that your request has been blocked by mistake please contact the web site owner.

It seems that the url needs to be with https as well as https://www if it is only one, it tends to fail. The website is: www.biblia.reinavaleragomez.com It happens on the admin side, and without admin side. It happens on Firefox and Safari (Mac). I can’t seem to trace the pattern yet. I installed Google Analytics, and messed with Security… I think that is all I did. It was completely fine before. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Have you checked mod.security on your server’s admin panel ?

Yes, I looked in there, but honestly, I’m not sure what settings to mess with. There is probably some documentation that explains that stuff. I will have to search for that. Thanks for the feedback.

Sorry to spell it out, it should be a matter of course :upside_down_face:

Be sure to report back what you find out, so this thread can be marked resolved if applicable and so that others can discover your findings.

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Ok, finally found the documentation on this. It is located here https://learn.getgrav.org/16/basics/grav-configuration
However it doesn’t actually explain any of the settings. I shut off a few of the things, but… I don’t really understand some of them. What I think it may be, is the moz_bindings setting. It is in Mozilla Firefox browser that is giving me problems. The only clue I get is in the error, about Mod Security settings.

Thanks, that’s interesting. I wonder if anyone else has experienced this.