Using loop for with slice to show elements in two columns

I would like to display three social icon elements divided into two columns with a for statement.
The HTML output should look like this:

<ul class = "divided icons col-6 col-12-mobile">
<li class = "icon brands fa-twitter"> <a href="#"> <span class = "extra"> </span> untitled </a> </li>
<li class = "icon brands fa-facebook-f"> <a href="#"> <span class = "extra"> </span> untitled </a> </li>
<li class = "icon brands fa-dribbble"> <a href="#"> <span class = "extra"> </span> untitled </a> </li>
<ul class = "divided icons col-6 col-12-mobile">
<li class = "icon brands fa-instagram"> <a href="#"> <span class = "extra"> </span> untitled </a> </li>
<li class = "icon brands fa-youtube"> <a href="#"> <span class = "extra"> </span> untitled </a> </li>
<li class = "icon brands fa-pinterest"> <a href="#"> <span class = "extra"> </span> untitled </a> </li>

The css class ‘divided’ is the one that delimits each row with a line below.

In the twig file I have the following code:

<ul class = "divided icons col-6 col-12-mobile">
{% for item in}
    <li class = "icon brands fa - {{item.icon}}"> <a href="[[ item.url }"> <span class = "extra"> {{}} </ a > </li>
{% endfor%}

With this code I would apply the class ‘divided’ to a single column, and my goal is to make it appear as in the HTML code shown.

How could I do it with a for loop and slice?


<ul class = "divided icons col-6 col-12-mobile">
{% for item in}
    <li class = "icon brands fa - {{item.icon}}">
        <a href="[[ item.url }"> <span class = "extra"> {{}} </ a > 
    {% if not loop.last and loop.index === (loop.length + 1) // 2 %}
        <ul class = "divided icons col-6 col-12-mobile">
    {% endif %}
{% endfor%}

This will divide into 2 <ul/> tags evenly (or one less item if odd count)

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Hi @Karmalakas
Thanks so much for your help. This works perfectly but I get an error with === in loop. So, the final code is:

<ul class = "divided icons col-6 col-12-mobile">
{% for item in}
    <li class="icon brands fa-{{item.icon}}">
        <a href="{{ item.url }}"> <span class="extra">{{}}</a> 
    {% if not loop.last and loop.index == (loop.length + 1) // 2 %}
        <ul class="divided icons col-6 col-12-mobile">
    {% endif %}
{% endfor%}

Thanks again.

Ah, right :slight_smile: It’s Twig and strict comparison here would be

{% if not loop.last and loop.index is same as((loop.length + 1) // 2) %}

But yes, == in this case will work perfectly fine

Thanks, this is correct code line. Finally the code would be:

<ul class = "divided icons col-6 col-12-mobile">
{% for item in}
    <li class="icon brands fa-{{item.icon}}">
        <a href="{{ item.url }}"> <span class="extra">{{}}</a> 
    {% if not loop.last and loop.index is same as((loop.length + 1) // 2) %}
        <ul class="divided icons col-6 col-12-mobile">
    {% endif %}
{% endfor%}