User pages + nginx howto

I’m new to your CMS and evaluating it for one of my projects and I have 2 questions:
Is it possible to have registration and log in for users and then let users have their own user pages where only those users have access to?
How do you scale your CMS with tools like nginx?


  1. Currently Grav has the ability to secure pages by user role. So you can have a user login and have access or not to a certain page/s.

  2. Users can now register via the frontend, but this needs to be setup and configured. See the login plugin for details:

  3. There is currently no logic to support having their own pages, but you could write a plugin to provide this.

  4. Grav fully works with Nginx (just another webserver), also it works with Nginx reverse proxying requests to Apache ( is doing this). A sample nginx configuration file is provided for Grav already: