Twig template profiling?

I am trying to improve the performance of my web page. According to the debug toolbar already present in Grav, the vast majority of the time is spent in the “render” phase. I suppose this refers to the rendering of the twig templates? Is there any way to get more detailed information about this phase, i.e. which part of what template eats up the most time?

There seems to exist something like that for symfony already, but I am not exactly sure how to activate this in grav.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Hello, have you found a solution? I’m dealing with the same issue and am also looking for the optimal profiler to optimize my pages.


To monitor/improve performance of the site:

  • Frontend:
    • Did you examine the frontend using Lighthouse and implement its performance suggestions?
  • Server:
    • Have you read the docs on Performance & Caching and tried its suggestions?
    • Have you examined the server side by enabling debug in system.yaml and installing browser extension Clockwork?
      • Tab Performance shows a timeline of Grav’s stages
      • Tab Views shows a timeline of Twig files/blocks