Twig not duplicate rows

Hello everyone,

again I am solving a problem that seemed solved and I can’t find a solution.

Please, how do I limit the generation of multiple variables below each other so that the result is not duplicated?

My form loads 1-5 folders, if I choose one, its name and link will be generated correctly, but if I choose two or more, the lists of folders below me will be displayed:


For one file:

* Show file: File.jpg

For 3 files:

* Show file: File.jpg
* Show file: File1.jpg
* Show file: File2.jpg

* Show file: File.jpg
* Show file: File1.jpg
* Show file: File2.jpg

* Show file: File.jpg
* Show file: File1.jpg
* Show file: File2.jpg


  {% for val in value %}
  {% if val is iterable %}
    {% for item in form.value( %}
    <li>Show file: <a href="..//{{ string(item.path) }}" download target="_blank">{{ }}</a></li>
    {% endfor %}
  {% else %}
  <li>{{ string(form.value(|nl2br }}</li>
  {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

this is the part of code from: “data.html.twig”

I try some like this: merge - Documentation - Twig - The flexible, fast, and secure PHP template engine
But not the solution.

How can I fix this, thank you all very much for their time.

@Deight, Like in a previous question, you are looping inside a loop…

The value of val is the same as the value for item. Drop the inner loop and replace item.path and with val.path and

To debug what is happing inside a Twig template, use {{ dump(variable) }} and track the dumps in the ClockWork tab in the developer console of the browser.

I love you man, i am looping inside the loop, wow! Thank you very much.

Solution is call only variables not variables in variables:

{% for val in value %}
<a href="../{{ string(val.path) }}" download target="_blank"> {{ }}</a><br>
{% endfor %}