Title on results page filtered by taxonomy

Hello there.

Is there a way to display a title with the specified taxonomy filter?

When you click on a taxonomy tag, the articles corresponding to that taxonomy are displayed, but the title of the page is that of the blog.

For example at: http://localhost/grav/blog/tag:tag1, I would like to display in the page title:

N items with tag1 taxonomy found, and not the title of the Blog page.


Finally I’ve found a solution for this question in Grav Coder Theme. Simply I’ve added this lines to a blog.html.twig:

{% if uri.param('category') %}
	{% set page_title = theme_config.listing_title.taxonomy.category | default('Posts in Category: ') ~ uri.param('category') %}
{% elseif uri.param('tag') %}
	{% set page_title = theme_config.listing_title.taxonomy.tag | default('Posts with Tag: ') ~ uri.param('tag') %}
{% else %}
	{% set page_title = theme_config.listing_title.blog | default('Blog') %}
{% endif %}

I hope I helped

just added a similar one :rofl: